Tuesday, April 20, 2010

K-2 AM April 19 - 23

Star student is Nathan.

Monday - We had a slow start to the day. I think everyone including me had a very relaxing week off! We started a new unit in science today about insects. We learned about metamorphosis of a butterfly. Ask your kinder what are the four stages.

Tuesday - Today we were all back into the swing of things. We learned a new song about the body parts of an insect. Have your kinder sing it to you. We also started learning how to tell time on an analog clock. We learned about the minute hand and the hour hand. We also discussed how many seconds in a minute and how many minutes in an hour. We then practiced hands on with mini clocks telling time to the hour. I was impressed! They caught on so quickly that I taught them time to the half hour. Again, they caught on quickly. I told them next time when we work on this I will teach them time to quarter after the hour and forty five minutes after the hour. I have never had a class that as a whole caught on to time so quickly! Great job!

Wednesday - This week we also started working on 4-step writing. The kinders pick a subject to write about. They then tell me three facts or interesting ideas about their subject. They wite one in each box. In the last box they write how they feel about their subject, why they like it etc.
They don't know it, but 4-step writing is a precursor to writing a paragraph.

Thursday - Today we continued to learn more about moths and butterflies. One fact we learned is butterflies taste with their feet. We also worked with Making Words. The words included the digraphs sh, th and ch. The kinders did very well.

Friday - In Writer's Workshop the kinders learned how to write a letter. Each of them has started to write a letter to a parent, friend, grandparent etc. I told them that you would help them mail it when they bring it home. We also watched a video about butterflies. As a special treat they also had popcorn with their video.

Wish list - The usual- baby wipes and glue sticks!

Enjoy the sunshine this weekend. I hope to see you at the Spring Fling. I will be there. Be sure to check out the beautiful jewelry made from the kinders drawings. Thank you again Stephanie!